CandidateZip + Acuity Scheduling Integrations
Integrate CandidateZip with Acuity Scheduling to automate your tasks, leaving you more time to focus on business-critical processes.
Schedule a demo, to find out how the CandidateZip to Acuity Scheduling integration helps boost your business’ efficiency.
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About CandidateZip
CandidateZip is a no-coding resume parsing tool that extracts data from resumes/jobs quickly to automate the tedious part of recruitment process. It extracts everything from contact/location, experience, education, salary, skills, and other fields from resumes/CV.
About Acuity Scheduling
Acuity Scheduling is a cloud-based appointment scheduling application that allows business owners to manage their appointments from anywhere in the world.
Acuity Scheduling IntegrationsCompliance Certifications and Memberships
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Page reviewed by Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on January 19, 2025, 7:55 am