gorendezvous + Salesforce Integrations
Integrate gorendezvous with Salesforce to automate your tasks, leaving you more time to focus on business-critical processes.
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About gorendezvous
GoRendezvous is an appointment scheduling and business management platform designed for service-based businesses such as health and wellness providers.
About Salesforce
Salesforce is the customer service platform with social-like capabilities. With Salesforce, companies can align their business processes and customer service strategies to fit their customers, employees and partners much better than before. Salesforce is a leading provider of social enterprise cloud computing solutions.
Salesforce IntegrationsSalesforce Alternatives
Looking for alternatives to Salesforce? Here is a list of the top Salesforce alternatives.
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Page reviewed by Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on January 19, 2025, 2:49 am