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- Calendly Integration
Calendly Integrationen
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Erhalten Sie vollständige Transparenz über Ihre potenziellen Kunden, Chancen, Teams, Konten, Kampagnen und Kontaktaktivitäten, indem Sie die besten Calendly-Integrationen mit Appy Pie AI Agents nutzen.
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Wählen Sie die App aus, die Sie mit Calendly integrieren möchten

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Zur EntwicklerplattformmHier ist eine Liste der Calendly-Trigger und -Aktionen, die für Calendly-Integrationen verfügbar sind
Entdecken Sie die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten der Integration mit Calendly und automatisieren Sie Ihren Workflow durch Nutzung dieser Trigger und Aktionen.
Eingeladener storniert
Wird ausgelöst, wenn ein eingeladener Teilnehmer ein geplantes Ereignis absagt. Hinweis: Funktioniert nur mit Calendly Professional oder höheren Konten.
Eingeladener Erstellt
Wird ausgelöst, wenn ein Eingeladener ein Ereignis plant. Hinweis: Funktioniert nur mit Calendly Professional oder höheren Konten.
So richten Sie Calendly-Integrationen ein
Befolgen Sie die folgenden Schritte, um mit der Einrichtung Ihrer Calendly-Integrationen mit Appy Pie Automate zu beginnen:
Schritt 1: Anmeldung or Einloggen
Besuchen Sie Appy Pie Automate und registrieren Sie sich oder melden Sie sich an, wenn Sie bereits ein Konto haben.
Schritt 2: App auswählen
Wählen Sie die Calendly im App-Verzeichnis und wählen Sie das gewünschte Auslöseereignis aus.
Schritt 3: Konto verbinden
Verbinden Sie Ihr Calendly-Konto und authentifizieren Sie es.
Schritt 4: Abzug bereit
Ihre Calendly ist jetzt für die Verbindung mit zahlreichen unterstützten Apps auf Appy Pie Automate eingestellt.
10 Best Calendly Integrations To Know In 2023
Calendly is a very practical solution for scheduling appointments, events, and meetings and was developed with the aim of reducing the need to toggle between platforms while trying to fix appointment timing. Instead of relying on multiple platforms, Calendly allowed users to share schedules and appointment slots from a single link.
Many people consider Calendly as the best solution for meetings and scheduling. If you’re an active user too, how would you feel if we tell you that you can expand the capabilities of your Calendly app?
Sound surprised? With Appy Pie Automate, you can integrate multiple applications with Calendly, allowing you to sync data across multiple platforms and update them automatically whenever new data or information is added to one of them.
These integrations help you do much more with less time and effort. Here in this blog, we’ll discuss some of the most popular Calendly integrations you can find with Appy Pie Automate and how they can help you enhance your efficiency.
Mindbody and Calendly
If you’re into the wellness industry, you would have heard of Mindbody, one of the most prevalent business management software for health, wellness, and beauty enterprises worldwide. It can also be easily integrated with Calendly to sync its scheduling feature within itself.
Best Mindbody Calendly integrations
- Add Appointment in Mindbody if a new invitee is created on Calendly
- Create User from Mindbody when an invitee is created on Calendly
- Create Sale from Mindbody when an invitee is created on Calendly
Shopify and Calendly
Having an online storefront on Shopify is a must-have for any small business. Apart from all the tools that Shopify offers, you can also integrate your Calendly account to add an edge over competitors by providing seamless appointment and scheduling features.
Best Shopify Calendly integrations
- Update Order in Shopify if an invitee is canceled on Calendly
- Create Custom Collection from Shopify when an invitee is created on Calendly
- Create an order from Shopify when an invitee is created on Calendly
- Create a product from Shopify when an invitee is created on Calendly
WooCommerce and Calendly
Another popular tool among eCommerce store owners is WooCommerce, which allows users to convert their WordPress websites into eCommerce platforms. An integration with Calendlty enables users to streamline their scheduling and appointment booking with their online store.
Best WooCommerce Calendly integrations
- Create Customer from WooCommerce when an invitee is created on Calendly
- Update Order in WooCommerce if an invitee is canceled on Calendly
- Create a coupon from WooCommerce when an invitee is created on Calendly
- Create a product from WooCommerce when an invitee is created on Calendly
Google Forms and Calendly
By syncing Calendly to Google Forms, you can open a vast new avenue of possibilities and provide more functionality to users. Easily update responses on Google Forms with every new calendar update on Calendly.
Best Google Form Calendly integrations
- Create Response from Google Form when an invitee is created on Calendly
- Create Response from Google Form when an invitee is canceled on Calendly
Google Sheets and Calendly
Keep track of your schedule and appointments using the Calendly Google Sheets integration. Select the right kind of triggers to automate sheet updates whenever an event occurs on Calendly.
Best Google Sheets Calendly integrations
- Update Spreadsheet Row in Google Sheets if an invitee is canceled on Calendly
- Create Spreadsheet Row from Google Sheets when an invitee is created on Calendly
- Share Sheet in Google Sheets if a new invitee is created on Calendly
Facebook Page and Calendly
If you have a Facebook page for your business, you can instantly integrate it with Calendly using Appy Pie Automate. The integration allows you to easily sync all data so that you do not have to switch between applications to enter data manually.
Best Facebook Page Calendly integrations
- Save a new photo on your Facebook page when an invitee is created on Calendly
- Add a new page Post on your Facebook page when an invitee is created on Calendly
- Create a page Photo on your Facebook page when an invitee is canceled on Calendly
- Create a page Post on your Facebook page when an invitee is canceled on Calendly
Discord and Calendly
Discord is undoubtedly one of the leading text and messaging applications with millions of active users. Not only is it feature-rich, but it also offers terrific voice quality for calls.
Best Discord Calendly integrations
- Add Role in Discord if a new invitee is created on Calendly
- Send Channel Message in Discord if a new invitee is created on Calendly
- Create Channel from Discord when an invitee is created on Calendly
- Remove User Role in Discord if an invitee is canceled on Calendly
PayPal and Calendly
PayPal is one of the most popular payment services and is used throughout the world. If you use PayPal regularly, an integration with Calendly can come in handy to automate multiple financial tasks and processes.
Best Paypal Calendly integrations
- Create a Draft Invoice from Paypal when an invitee is created on Calendly
- Send invoice in Paypal if a new invitee is created on Calendly
- Add tracking information in Paypal if a new invitee is created on Calendly
- Create an Order from Paypal when an invitee is created on Calendly
Microsoft Exchange and Calendly
If some teams within your organization use Microsoft Exchange instead of Calendly, then there is no need to make them shift to a different platform for uniformity’s sake. Simply create a Microsoft Exchange Calendly integration, and you can streamline all your calendar management tasks from a unified platform.
Best Microsoft Exchange Calendly integrations
- Create an event from Microsoft Exchange when an invitee is created on Calendly
- Create an event from Microsoft Exchange when an invitee is canceled on Calendly
Linkedin and Calendly
Does your business have an active presence on LinkedIn? If yes, you can automate instant updates by directly integrating your account with Calendly. This allows you to share updates and events related to your business directly from your online calendar.
Best Linkedin Calendly integrations
- Create Company Update from Linkedin when an invitee is created on Calendly
- Create Share Update from Linkedin when an invitee is created on Calendly
- Create Company Update from Linkedin when an invitee is canceled on Calendly
- Create Share Update from Linkedin when an invitee is canceled on Calendly
Summing Up
We’ve seen how Appy Pie Automate helps you automate many tasks that would otherwise have taken a lot of time and effort. Calendly integrations help you create automated workflows with other applications, which means that you no longer have to toggle between platforms or manually carry out tasks.
Appy Pie Automate makes all of this possible. With over 750 app integrations available, it opens up a whole new world of possibilities for your business. Start using Connect right away, and enhance your workplace productivity to another level.
Optimieren Sie Ihren Workflow mit Appy Pie Automation
FAQs zu Calendly Integrationen
Was ist Calendly?
Calendly ist die einfachste Möglichkeit, Ihren Kalender zu organisieren und Ihre Verfügbarkeit online anzuzeigen. Mit Calendly können Sie Besprechungen einfach und nahtlos buchen und Ihren Kalender mit den Kalendern von Kollegen synchronisieren, um Besprechungsanfragen zu senden und die Terminplanung zu vereinfachen.
Sind Calendly-Integrationen sicher?
Bei der Bewertung der Sicherheit der Integrationen von Calendly ist es wichtig, einen umfassenden Ansatz zu verfolgen und verschiedene Faktoren zu bewerten. Hier ist eine Anleitung, die Ihnen bei diesem Prozess hilft:
- Datenfluss und -zugriff: Datenfluss abbilden, gemeinsame Datentypen, Austauschhäufigkeit und Zugriffskontrollen verstehen.
- Sicherheitsprotokolle: Überprüfen Sie, ob Calendly und Partner-Apps sichere Kanäle und Verschlüsselung für die Datenübertragung und mehr verwenden.
- Authentifizierung und Autorisierung: Bewerten Sie die Multi-Faktor-Authentifizierung für eine robuste Identitätsüberprüfung. Sorgen Sie für wirksame Autorisierungskontrollen.
Indem Sie diese Schritte befolgen, können Sie die Sicherheit der Integrationen von Calendly effektiv bewerten und verbessern und so eine robuste und geschützte Umgebung gewährleisten.
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