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Integrazioni Harvest

Ottieni piena visibilità sui tuoi potenziali clienti, opportunità, team, account, campagne e attività di contatto sfruttando le migliori integrazioni Harvest con gli agenti AI di Appy Pie.

  • Prova gratuita di 7 giorni
  • Configurazione rapida e veloce
Automatizza Harvest con oltre 450 app

20 milioni ore uomo risparmiate

Pluripremiata piattaforma di integrazione delle app

Scegli l'app con cui vuoi integrare Harvest

Ecco un elenco di trigger e azioni Harvest disponibili per le integrazioni Harvest

Esplora i vari modi in cui puoi integrare Harvest e automatizzare il tuo flusso di lavoro sfruttando questi trigger e azioni.

Come impostare le integrazioni Harvest

Per iniziare a configurare le integrazioni Harvest utilizzando Appy Pie Automate, segui i passaggi sottostanti:

  1. diagram

    Fare un passo 1: Iscriviti or Accedi

    Visita Appy Pie Automate e registrati oppure accedi se hai già un account.

  2. diagram

    Fare un passo 2: Seleziona App

    Selezionare Harvest nella directory App e selezionare l'evento trigger desiderato.

  3. diagram

    Fare un passo 3: Connetti account

    Collega il tuo account Harvest e autenticalo.

  4. diagram

    Fare un passo 4: Pronto per il grilletto

    La tua Harvest è ora impostata per connettersi con numerose app supportate su Appy Pie Automate.

Integra Harvest con la prova gratuita

10 Best Harvest Integrations for Time Tracking

Top integrations for Harvest

Harvest is a practical tool for time management utilized by many small and medium businesses. With time tracking becoming a norm with remote-operated companies, this software has quickly become a favorite with its diverse and effective features.

If you use multiple applications parallelly with Harvest, you can have synced with each other, to share data updated between them automatically. This can be done with the help of Appy Pie AI Agents. These integrations can be very productive for any workplace and significantly boost its efficiency. Let’s have a look at some of the most popular Harvest integrations available on Appy Pie AI Agents.

Microsoft Teams

One of the most well-known communications tools for businesses, Microsoft Teams can also be integrated with Harvest to facilitate automated messages and interactions whenever a new update is made on the Harvest app.

Best Harvest Microsoft Teams integrations

  • Send Channel Messages in Microsoft Teams when New User Assignment is created in Harvest
  • Create Channel to Microsoft Teams from New Project in Harvest
  • Create Meeting to Microsoft Teams from New Project in Harvest
  • Add Member in Microsoft Teams when New Client is created in Harvest


Patreon is a leading membership platform for creators. Members can join the channels of their favorite creators and make payments to access exclusive content. Creators can use the Harvest Patreon integration to sync the two apps together and better manage their payments and membership.

Best Patreon Harvest integrations

  • Create a Timesheet Entry to Harvest whenever a new member joins on Patreon
  • Create a Timesheet Entry to Harvest whenever a new pledge is added to Patreon


ClickUp has greatly simplified task management, with its feature-rich and easy-to-understand interface. With a ClickUp Harvest integration, you can easily create, manage and update tasks on the go.

Best ClickUp Harvest integrations

  • Create a task to ClickUp from a new user assignment in Harvest
  • Create a folder to ClickUp from a new project in Harvest
  • Add a new checklist in ClickUp when a new client is created in Harvest


Website designing and building have become quite convenient with the arrival of Squarespace. This all-in-one tool features all the options required to build an appealing website. Integrating it with Harvest opens up many new possibilities, and expands its functionality significantly.

Best Squarespace Harvest integrations

  • Create Product to Squarespace from New Project in Harvest
  • Update Product in Squarespace when New Task is created in Harvest
  • Update Product in Squarespace when New User Assignment is created in Harvest


If you’re using Notion for project management and note-making, you’re not the only one. Lots of individuals and enterprises use Notion to manage their day-to-day activities. For better task and time management, you can easily integrate it with Harvest and explore the diverse set of capabilities of both applications from a single platform.

Best Notion Harvest integrations

  • Create Database Item to Notion from New Project in Harvest
  • Update Database Item in Notion when New Timesheet Entry is created in Harvest
  • Create Database Item to Notion from New Task in Harvest
  • Update Database Item in Notion when New Invoice is created in Harvest

QuickBooks Online

QuickBooks Online is a popular software for finance and accounting, and integrating it with Harvest allows you to boost your efficiency by a significant amount. You can sync the two apps and easily manage all accounts and finance in tandem with your time management, using the Harvest QuickBooks integration on Appy Pie AI Agents.

Best QuickBooks Online Harvest integrations

  • Create Customer to QuickBooks Online from New Client in Harvest
  • Create Invoice to QuickBooks Online from New Invoice in Harvest
  • Create Sales Receipt to QuickBooks Online from New Invoice in Harvest
  • Create Sales Receipt to QuickBooks Online from New Project in Harvest

Microsoft Excel

Excel is the most popular spreadsheet management tool. Its convenient and easy-to-use interface makes it the ideal choice to create and manage spreadsheets. If you’re manually adding data from Harvest into your spreadsheets, you can definitely utilize the Microsoft Excel Harvest integration to automate the entire process to save you time and effort.

Best Microsoft Excel Harvest integrations

  • Add Row to Table in Microsoft Excel when New Timesheet Entry is created in Harvest
  • Creates Timesheet Entry to Harvest from New Row in Table in Microsoft Excel
  • Add Row to Table in Microsoft Excel when New Contact is created in Harvest
  • Creates Timesheet Entry to Harvest from New Worksheet in Microsoft Excel

Google Calendar

A market-leader scheduling application, Google Calendar can be easily integrated into Harvest to facilitate instant updates on the user’s calendar whenever a new task or project is created on Harvest.

Best Google Calendar Harvest integrations

  • Quick Add Event in Google Calendar when New Project is created in Harvest
  • Create Detailed Event to Google Calendar from New Task in Harvest
  • Update Event in Google Calendar when New Timesheet Entry is created in Harvest

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

The all-in-one business management tool Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a popular software used in many businesses to manage their activities and processes. Integration with Harvest can significantly boost business capabilities, and help enterprises achieve more in lesser time.

Best Harvest Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central integrations

  • Create Item to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central from New Project in Harvest
  • Create Vendor to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central from New Contact in Harvest
  • Create Sales Order to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central from New Project in Harvest
  • Update Sales Order in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central when New User Assignment is created in Harvest


GitLab is an open-source application for editing and managing source code in collaboration with other members. On this platform, users can build software together, host and review codes, and manage projects. Using Appy Pie AI Agents, you can integrate it with Harvest to synchronize data and updates across both applications.

Best GitLab Harvest integrations

  • Creates Timesheet Entry to Harvest from New Commit in GitLab
  • Creates Timesheet Entry to Harvest from New Merge Request Event in GitLab
  • Creates Timesheet Entry to Harvest from New Issue Event in GitLab
  • Creates Timesheet Entry to Harvest from New Job in GitLab


If you’re looking to expand the functionality and capability of Harvest, there is no better option than to use  Appy Pie AI Agents. With over 300 app integrations, Connect can help you create workflow automation between multiple apps and software to enhance your workplace efficiency and productivity, that too without having to write even a single line of code.

Semplifica il tuo flusso di lavoro con l'automazione di Appy Pie

Domande frequenti sulle integrazioni Harvest

  • Che cos'è Harvest?

    Harvest è uno strumento di tracciamento del tempo basato su cloud, progettato per aziende di tutte le dimensioni. La soluzione offre funzioni di timesheet e fatturazione per piccole imprese e liberi professionisti. Le caratteristiche principali includono la gestione di tempo e spese, la gestione del team, la gestione dei progetti, la programmazione e la fatturazione.

  • Le integrazioni Harvest sono sicure?

    Quando si valuta la sicurezza delle integrazioni di Harvest, è essenziale adottare un approccio completo e valutare vari fattori. Ecco una guida per aiutarti a navigare in questo processo:

    • Flusso di dati e accesso: mappare il flusso di dati, comprendere i tipi di dati condivisi, la frequenza di scambio e i controlli di accesso.
    • Protocolli di sicurezza: verificare che Harvest e le app partner utilizzino canali sicuri e crittografia per la trasmissione dei dati e altro ancora.
    • Autenticazione e autorizzazione: valutare l'autenticazione multifattoriale per una verifica solida dell'identità. Garantire controlli di autorizzazione efficaci.

    Seguendo questi passaggi, puoi valutare e migliorare efficacemente la sicurezza delle integrazioni di Harvest, garantendo un ambiente solido e protetto.

Pagina rivista da Abhinav Girdhar  | Ultimo aggiornamento il February 9, 2025, 3:23 am

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