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Integrações SendGrid

Obtenha visibilidade total de seus clientes potenciais, oportunidades, equipes, contas, campanhas e atividades de contato aproveitando as melhores integrações SendGrid com os agentes de IA da Appy Pie.

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Automatize SendGrid com mais de 450 aplicativos

20 milhões horas-homem economizadas

Plataforma de integração de aplicativos premiada

Escolha o aplicativo que deseja integrar com SendGrid

Aqui está uma lista de gatilhos e ações SendGrid disponíveis para integrações SendGrid

Explore as diversas maneiras de integrar o SendGrid e automatizar seu fluxo de trabalho aproveitando esses gatilhos e ações.

Como configurar integrações SendGrid

Siga as etapas abaixo para começar a configurar suas integrações SendGrid usando o Appy Pie Automate:

  1. diagram

    Etapa 1: Inscrição or Iniciar Sessão

    Visite o Appy Pie Automate e inscreva-se ou faça login se você já tiver uma conta.

  2. diagram

    Etapa 2: Selecione o aplicativo

    Selecione SendGrid no diretório de aplicativos e selecione o evento de gatilho desejado.

  3. diagram

    Etapa 3: Conectar conta

    Conecte sua conta SendGrid e autentique-a.

  4. diagram

    Etapa 4: Gatilho pronto

    Seu SendGrid agora está configurado para se conectar a vários aplicativos suportados no Appy Pie Automate.

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10 Best SendGrid Integrations For Your Business Email

popular integrations for SendGrid

Email marketing has evolved significantly in the past few years. There has been a steady shift from a one-size fits all approach toward a more personalized email strategy. Businesses have realized that with emails that feel more personal they can improve customer experiences and engagement.

Moreover, this can be easily achieved by using popular email apps such as SendGrid, which is a cloud-based email provider that facilitates setting up personalized email campaigns.

While using apps for email marketing is useful, businesses sometimes fall short of their productivity targets due to the time wasted in constantly entering and reentering data into these apps. To make things simpler, they can turn to Appy Pie Automate to deploy the best SendGrid integrations to automatically sync all applications with SendGrid for automated data sharing and updating.

Appy Pie Automate offers a wide range of integrations with popular apps and software that make this possible. I have listed some of the most widely used ones here in this blog.

  1. SendGrid with Office 365
  2. An all-inclusive suite of the best office apps for productivity and task completion, Office 365 can also be integrated with SendGrid, using Appy Pie Automate. By setting trigger and action events anyone can automate a wide range of tasks and processes to improve efficiency.

    Best Office 365 SendGrid integrations

    • Send an email on SendGrid for every new event added to Office 365
    • Add Office 365 contacts as SendGrid contacts

  3. SendGrid with LinkedIn
  4. LinkedIn is the most popular social networking platform for professionals and enterprises. This platform can be integrated with SendGrid to streamline multiple tasks within a workflow with the help of Appy Pie Automate’s workflow automation features.

    Best LinkedIn SendGrid integrations

    • Create company updates on LinkedIn from SendGrid events
    • Share updates on LinkedIn directly when SendGrid is triggered

  5. SendGrid with ClickUp
  6. ClickUp is a well-known product management tool and collaboration tool that helps enterprises of all sizes manage their tasks and processes with ease. An integration with SendGrid broadens its capabilities by a significant margin.

    Best ClickUp SendGrid integrations

    • Send emails on SendGrid for every new ClickUp task
    • Add new tasks on ClickUp to automatically update contacts on SendGrid
    • Create a new task on ClickUp to automate emails on SendGrid

  7. SendGrid with Zoho Mail
  8. There are many businesses where different teams use Zoho Mail or SendGrid for their marketing campaigns. This division makes it difficult to analyze and compare different campaigns. Using the Zoho Mail SendGrid integration on Appy Pie Automate users can eliminate this problem by syncing the two applications with automated data sharing.

    Best Zoho Mail SendGrid integrations

    • Update contacts in SendGrid whenever you receive emails from particular contacts
    • Send emails from Zoho Mail as emails from SendGrid

  9. SendGrid with MongoDB Realm
  10. Integrate SendGrid with MongoDB Realm to automate a wide range of tasks and business processes. Using Connect’s dynamic features, you can create bi-directional integrations between the two applications without any hassles.

    Best MongoDB Realm SendGrid integrations

    • Add new MongoDB Realm users as contacts on SendGrid
    • Send an email on SendGrid if new services are added to MongoDB Realm

  11. SendGrid with Contentful
  12. Contentful is a well-known and widely used content management platform, which can also be integrated with SendGrid using Appy Pie Automate. The seamless integration between the two apps, supported by Connect, can help you resolve tracking, management, and several productivity issues.

    Best Contentful SendGrid integrations

    • Update contacts on SendGrid whenever a new environment is created on Contentful
    • Update contacts on SendGrid if new organizations are added to Contentful
    • Send emails from SendGrid when a new space is added to Contentful

  13. SendGrid with Microsoft Exchange
  14. If you’re in an organization that uses both Microsoft Exchange and SendGrid, then you can monitor all activities and communications from a single platform by integrating the two apps with Connect. This way you do not have to persuade a team using Exchange to switch over to SendGrid, saving time and resources on training and knowledge transfer.

    Best Microsoft Exchange SendGrid integrations

    • Add new Microsoft Exchange contacts as SendGrid contacts
    • Notify SendGrid users with an email when new events start in Microsoft Exchange
    • Share new events on Microsoft Exchange as emails on SendGrid.

  15. SendGrid with OneDrive
  16. Storing files, data, and information has never been easier. With cloud storage and file management apps like OneDrive, managing and keeping track of essential documents, files and information has changed radically. If you’re a frequent user of OneDrive and SendGrid, you can sync the two with Appy Pie Automate and automate several tasks to save time and effort.

    Best OneDrive SendGrid integrations

    • Update contacts in SendGrid when new folders are added to OneDrive.
    • Share emails on SendGrid when new files are added to OneDrive.

  17. SendGrid with Amazon S3
  18. Amazon S3 is the ultimate solution for cloud storage and data management. It is highly scalable and is designed for the backup and archiving of data on Amazon Web Services. Integrating it with SendGrid allows users to get instant notifications and emails informing them about new data files uploaded.

    Best Amazon S3 SendGrid integrations

    • Notify SendGrid users by email whenever a new file is added to AmazonS3

  19. SendGrid with Odoo CRM
  20. If you’re using Odoo CRM, you’ll know how convenient it is for lead management. By integrating it with SendGrid users can not only broaden their capabilities to get more done but also accelerate their business processes to drive higher growth and revenue.

    Best Odoo CRM SendGrid integrations

    • Update SendGrid contacts from new customers added to Odoo CRM
    • Add new Oddo CRM leads as SendGrid contacts
    • Share SendGrid emails for every new lead added to Odoo CRM


Utilizing the best SendGrid integrations with Appy Pie Automate is an excellent way for individuals and businesses to enhance their productivity and efficiency. Integrations offered by Connect allow users to sync all their favorite apps such as Notion, Mindbody, and others. If you haven’t been on Connect yet, now’s the perfect time to give it a try.

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Perguntas frequentes sobre integrações SendGrid

  • O que é SendGrid?

    A SendGrid é a principal plataforma de entrega de correio electrónico transaccional e de marketing. A tecnologia da SendGrid permite às empresas a entrega de emails, SMS

  • As integrações SendGrid são seguras?

    Ao avaliar a segurança das integrações do SendGrid, é essencial adotar uma abordagem abrangente e avaliar vários fatores. Aqui está um guia para ajudar você a navegar neste processo:

    • Fluxo e acesso de dados: mapeie o fluxo de dados, entenda os tipos de dados compartilhados, a frequência de troca e os controles de acesso.
    • Protocolos de segurança: verifique se o SendGrid e os aplicativos parceiros usam canais seguros e criptografia para transmissão de dados e muito mais.
    • Autenticação e Autorização: Avalie a autenticação multifatorial para verificação de identidade robusta. Garanta controles de autorização eficazes.

    Seguindo essas etapas, você pode avaliar e aprimorar efetivamente a segurança das integrações do SendGrid, garantindo um ambiente robusto e protegido.

Página revisada por Abhinav Girdhar  | Última atualização em February 2, 2025, 7:36 am

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